Dec 14, 2009

A logo for my roommate

I did this logo for my roommate a month ago. She is an interior design major and needed a little something to put on her presentation boards. :)

Dec 4, 2009

really cool music video

This is a really amazing video, and I'm sure it took a realllly long time to make...

Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau is so organic and lovely.
I do not know the authors of these works.

memories from childhood.... wtf

loooove it. haha

Nov 13, 2009


For the first time, today I was really interested in the topic we were studying in Philosophy. I was paying rapt attention.
When my plans for world domination come to fruition, I will be using utilitarianism to make America better. As well as justice as fairness.

Utilitarianism promotes experiments in life. Experiments come before rules. You don't start with rules, you start with liberty, and then when someone has a bad outcome, you measure the consequences and do what is in the greatest interest of the whole. Tradition is bad because it tries to protect itself, and progress is not as feasible. Utilitarianism is great because it allows a lot of room for experiment, change and progress. It also forces you to weigh consequences and analyze them.

John Stuart Mill, John Rawls


Nov 11, 2009


Picking out good graphic design from the superfluous amount of disgustingness in American Modernism.

Alexey Brodovitch:  These spreads are wonderful because the type mimics the shapes of the photos. The second one also mimics the shadow because all the type on the left side is in bold. Amazing!

Louis Danziger: This piece is very memorable and so creative. I love it! Paint tubes as skyscrapers.

Oct 16, 2009

Alice in WonDeRLanD

I LOVE this crazy thing. It is trippy and hypnotizing. It loops so sometimes I listen to it for a long time...
Crazy but I love it.

Oct 14, 2009

Calvin and hobbes on creativity

Calvin: You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet. You need to be in the right mood.
Hobbes: What mood is that?
Calvin: Last-minute panic.

Bill Watterson

Oct 13, 2009


A few weeks ago I experienced the worst week of my life, literally. I was suffering from severe anxiety, and I'm still not sure what brought it out. I have only been this anxious once, and it was this summer. This time was worse. Anxiety is a very scary feeling. I was also depressed, and had no appetite whatsoever. I lost more weight (I lost a lot of weight over the summer) and couldn't find any willpower. When I finally recovered and was able to eat normally I was so thankful. I sympathize with everyone who has severe anxiety. It's so scary.

During that week, I experienced some enlightenment. I am now in the process of recreating myself.

I am known to be an angry person sometimes, but I have realized that if you want love, you must give love. Give what you want, and it will come back to you. Anger breeds more anger. Anger and depression are both vortexes of doom. I want to be more loving, less angry, and even more understanding of people. I'm already a pretty understanding person, but it's not enough.

I am also working on being more social, since I am pretty reserved and introverted.

I want to keep up with this blog and my flikr account, and I hope to soon create my portfolio website (which hasn't been done yet because I'm so busy).

I'm going to try (I say try because of time constraints: schoolwork!) to go to the gym more often. I have a workout plan, and have done it but since I took a break from it I haven't gotten back into the routine.

The last and most fun thing is reinventing my style! I went shopping this weekend and bought a bunch of clothes that I wouldn't normally wear. I have opened my eyes to things other than jeans and tshirts! (See earlier post about leggings...) Dressing up is fun and I've gained confidence.

World, here I come!

This photo is one I took while in France

Oct 12, 2009


We do too much work nowadays.

Normal is getting dressed in clothes that you buy for work and driving through traffic in a car that you are still paying for - in order to get to the job you need to pay for the clothes and the car, and the house you leave vacant all day so you can afford to live in it.
~ Ellen Goodman

invisibility cloak??

Cool new technologies:

Researchers believe its possible to create an invisibility cloak!

people have no patience these days.

"Everything is amazing nobody is happy" video clip from Conan O'Brien's show:

sooo true


This is gross but pretty funny.

Apr 8, 2009


the style of Rococo in France

Mar 22, 2009

The Crock of Gold excerpt

a line from The Crock of Gold by James Stephens. an irish novel.

"To the world this system of thought, because it is consecutive, is known as Logic, but Eternity has written it down in the Books of Errors as Mechanism: for life may not be consecutive, but explosive and variable, else it is a shackled and timorous slave."

Take risks, make no excuses, have no regrets. Routine is boring.

Mar 21, 2009

irish poem

here is a poem by W. B. Yeats, an Irish poet:

Down by the Salley Gardens

Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;
She passed the salley gardens with little snow white feet.
She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;
But I, being young and foolish, with her did not agree.

In a field by the river my love and I did stand,
And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand.
She bid me take life easy, as the grass grows in the weirs;
But I was young and foolish, and now am full of tears.

Imagine RIT Contest

this is my design for the Imagine RIT poster contest.

UPDATE: My design has been chosen by RIT/NTID Marketing Communications to be used as a promotional poster for NTID, and will be sent to prospective students everywhere!

Bahamas IV

Jan 12, 2009

helpful links for designers

useful information for designers > this site has been very useful to me

'calvin and hobbes' inspired snowmen