Oct 13, 2009


A few weeks ago I experienced the worst week of my life, literally. I was suffering from severe anxiety, and I'm still not sure what brought it out. I have only been this anxious once, and it was this summer. This time was worse. Anxiety is a very scary feeling. I was also depressed, and had no appetite whatsoever. I lost more weight (I lost a lot of weight over the summer) and couldn't find any willpower. When I finally recovered and was able to eat normally I was so thankful. I sympathize with everyone who has severe anxiety. It's so scary.

During that week, I experienced some enlightenment. I am now in the process of recreating myself.

I am known to be an angry person sometimes, but I have realized that if you want love, you must give love. Give what you want, and it will come back to you. Anger breeds more anger. Anger and depression are both vortexes of doom. I want to be more loving, less angry, and even more understanding of people. I'm already a pretty understanding person, but it's not enough.

I am also working on being more social, since I am pretty reserved and introverted.

I want to keep up with this blog and my flikr account, and I hope to soon create my portfolio website (which hasn't been done yet because I'm so busy).

I'm going to try (I say try because of time constraints: schoolwork!) to go to the gym more often. I have a workout plan, and have done it but since I took a break from it I haven't gotten back into the routine.

The last and most fun thing is reinventing my style! I went shopping this weekend and bought a bunch of clothes that I wouldn't normally wear. I have opened my eyes to things other than jeans and tshirts! (See earlier post about leggings...) Dressing up is fun and I've gained confidence.

World, here I come!

This photo is one I took while in France

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